The only downside about our E46 was because we were coming off the E36, which was spotting the same 108BHP 1.9L engine. So we were practically just changing the shell and running an inline-4s as was 10 yrs ago. Nevertheless, it is still a good enough car, capable of doing 209km/h, cruise control, and a wonderful suspension setup. How often do pple complain about a beemer anyway?

There were various potential upgrades for the 318i that we did not explore, tried so many times to get 'em to change the rims to 18'' hamanns or BBS RKs. Till the day of exporting, it was still running on ugly stock 15''s.

Suspension feedback is extremely healthy. Putting into layman terms, its soft on straights and stiff on corners. Useful when u have babies or elderlys on board, they will never complain.

Closure of a chapter, start of another. We welcome the first ever roadster into our lineup. ;) Gotta miss ya, 2026.

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