First yr anniversary stepping into workforce!
And ironically, will be my last day 1 mth from now in LYE.
Glad that i'm able to say 'sad that i'm leaving'. It was a short stint here, but i probably picked up more things than i expected. Took me 2 weeks to find the right words to say to boss why i need to quit, make it sound more politically correct. It was so blardy different from the last time at WH. I cant wait to get out of OC then, and the last day felt like glory retirement. Over here, i volunteered to stay till the end of Aug so i can finish at least project Newater.
I wont say it's the best time to move on, but some things are out of my control, esp when the king and empire are involved.
Nevertheless, since the tender letter was shot out last monday, there's no turning back now. (sorry dear~dear who had to bear with my whining through the entire saga.)
Its a big step i'm taking, considering these:
1) I'm taking a paycut.
2) I turned down an offer from an aussie MNC (who's also offering 36% higher)
But looking further ahead:
1) 4 yrs down the road, hopefully i get the coveted title.
2) There will be deeper penetration into restricted zones, opening up fresh land to conquer when i return to lead the troops
And in the short run:
1) No work on sats
2) More annual leave :)
Whatever's the case, i'm looking forward to work in LNL.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Convo Boys 06+07

i didnt exactly take part in hall activities; so it really felt good to still keep in touch as a 47 beng-er. The early days of the 5 bikers ferrying the rest for supper, all smokers gathering outside mian's room for a fag and just hanging out till the wee hrs of the morning.
All of us now heading in different directions, scattered over various sectors; engineers, financial consultants, a banker now, another upcoming investment banker and lastly a future boeing 777 pilot.
But boys shall always be boys :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007
~PimpHerRide~ LED taillights
Got the pair for almost a mth and finally found some time to install it at GT auto.

Friday, July 27, 2007
:: 天下第一涮 ::
She has been complaining about the cold weather and the no-need-money aircon in her new office @ UOB plaza.

So it's steamboat time!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Mian's treat @ 牛角
Sunday, July 22, 2007
MY's Triple Combo
sorry brudder yao, but this is way too funny not to create a post.
Yao was in the middle of a street soccer session when the freak incident took place. Receiving the call from his gf LJL...
LJL: shit, Ur car got into an accident.
Yao: wah lau, u all hit what?
LJL: I think its a bowling ball.
Yao: What? Mai lai la.
LJL: Wait. Yes, confirmed its a bowling ball now.
Yao: SMLJ??
And so they abandoned the game and took white's car down to the crime scene.
All 5 stinky soccer guys in the cars, so naturally the right thing to do is to wind down the window. Yao put his forearm out of the window trying to come to terms with the unexpectable... when a piece of bird shit hit his foreman.
That, simply sums up my brudder's sunday.
Feeling shitty from an eventful sunday, yao dragged his tired body to work riding his bike since the trusty jazz is in the workshop.
Final blow came at 1030am, yao ran into a roadblock along yuan ching road.
The traffic mata gave no chance at all. Number plate too small, wack summon! No mudguard, wack summon again! Red LED light embedded in headlamps, wack wack wack summons! 03x or-gong!!
Thus, in a matter of 16 hrs, Yao's has ran into a string of 3 misfortunes, as well as burning a big hole in his pocket.
As we mourn his losses....... lets take a minute of silence and study the moral of the story.
How on earth did a bowling ball get underneath a honda jazz?
But it did in yao's case. His sister and gf driving his spanking new white 5 weeks old honda jazzy, zipping down AMK ave 5 when a 13 pounds bowling ball rolled across the road. The ladies couldnt react in time and thought its better to roll over it.
Yao was in the middle of a street soccer session when the freak incident took place. Receiving the call from his gf LJL...
LJL: shit, Ur car got into an accident.
Yao: wah lau, u all hit what?
LJL: I think its a bowling ball.
Yao: What? Mai lai la.
LJL: Wait. Yes, confirmed its a bowling ball now.
Yao: SMLJ??
And so they abandoned the game and took white's car down to the crime scene.
All 5 stinky soccer guys in the cars, so naturally the right thing to do is to wind down the window. Yao put his forearm out of the window trying to come to terms with the unexpectable... when a piece of bird shit hit his foreman.
That, simply sums up my brudder's sunday.
Who would've expected a TP roadblock at 1030am on a bluey monday?
Feeling shitty from an eventful sunday, yao dragged his tired body to work riding his bike since the trusty jazz is in the workshop.
Final blow came at 1030am, yao ran into a roadblock along yuan ching road.
The traffic mata gave no chance at all. Number plate too small, wack summon! No mudguard, wack summon again! Red LED light embedded in headlamps, wack wack wack summons! 03x or-gong!!
Thus, in a matter of 16 hrs, Yao's has ran into a string of 3 misfortunes, as well as burning a big hole in his pocket.
As we mourn his losses....... lets take a minute of silence and study the moral of the story.
" Expect the unexpected on the road. You never know what's coming your way."
Sunday, July 15, 2007
No joke, the queue was extended all the way from the restaurant's entrance to the carpark when we arrived at 11am.
The trick to beat the queue is to go in a big group as they allocate tables according to no. of guests. So the bigger tables deeper into the restaurant were given to groups >8 on priority basis. Thus, within 20mins we were all seated comfortably digging into altogether 33 dishes of dimsum.
The food doesnt quite live up to our expectations and excitement thou. Couple of the dimsum were cold when served.
So what sets them aside from the rest and put them up together with crystal jades and peach gardens?
Reckon must be the old-school ambience and push-carting waitresses, the consistent long queues over weekends and as the king keeps stressing, the household reput of the chef as one of singapore's ‘四大名厨’. And of course, the very competitive pricing :)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Steamed Live Bambooclam with Garlic Sauce
Steamed Garlic Prawn
Must say the food is really good for the price.
And look how professional is their receipt.
头奖 :)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
七抢八 on 七/七/七
Self-acclaimed 花王
MJ at cher's house with gf and lynn and i stunned the gals with this feat. Immediate 五翻 without doing anything. *grin*
The beginner's luck continues.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
How to resist?
Iphone Magic - The funniest bloopers are right here
Iphone Video - Funny home videos are a click away
As far as i am against touch-screening, this is far too cool to ignore~~
I especially like the part when the screen rotates itself landscape and portrait to and fro as u turn the set.
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