Good times flashes you by, so fast so that its already half a year since the 18th of Nov.

The 1st 6 mths has always widely been touted as the classic 'honeymoon' period. Ours sure is lovey-dovey, the most magical 27 weeks i ever had. Every single day, never missing out on the slightest chance to meet for lunch or dinner, sometimes travelling half of SG just for that coveted meal together. Weekday nights getting laid back, spending nice time together at each others' places, 2 couch potatoes chasing HK serial DVDs. Me getting a new job, and you making the sweetest effort in waking up 1.5 hrs earlier everyday, making a detour sending me to work before they give me the transport. Our first overseas trip together (kulai not counted), lotsa fun and quality 'us' times. You making nice efforts in spending times with me and the boys, though we tend to always hang out at the same place every weekend, but i know you are there just because i am too.
Yes I know you dote on me, thank you ;)